Tieto - Language courses (self-payers)

Tietoevry - Group Course (private payer)

Thank you for your interest in studying with James Cook Languages. To register for a language course, please fill in the form below and confirm it by clicking the Send button. 

This course registration IS NOT PAID FOR AND COVERED BY TIETOEVRY. The payment for the course will be covered by the participant's own resources based on an invoice (through bank transfer).

After filling in the registration form you will be directed to our test platform. Please take the online placement test which is mandatory input for your course preparation unless you are an absolute beginner with no previous command of the target language. 

The online placement test is available for the following languages (English, Czech for Foreigners, German, Swedish, Finnish). If you wish to study Danish or Norwegian, we will contact you for further steps.

Your request will be processed and your course preparation initiated once we receive both this registration as well as the placement test result.

Group courses information:

  • Winter term (September 2023 - January 2024), 18 x 90-minute sessions in total

  • 4-6 participants per group

  • 1 x 90 minutes per week

  • Focus on general language and skills

  • Lessons either before 9:00 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m.

  • Online via MS Teams

  • Groups formed based on the students' levels (always) and time preferences (when possible)

  • Languages offered: English, Czech for Foreigners, German, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian

  • Prices:English, Czech for Foreigners, German: CZK 3960 per student (per semester), Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian: CZK 4320 per student (per semester)

  • Note: a minimum of 4 participants is required for the course to be opened!

If you have further questions about the language courses, please contact us at tietoevry@jcl.cz 


School of languages s.r.o.

Registered office:  Národní 416/37, 110 00 Prague 1

Company ID No.: 27641074

Incorporated in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 120900


Personal data of the Client:

Billing information:

Course specification:

Language course preferences:

